Friday, September 5, 2008

Friday Flashback

Here are this week's (yep, there's two) Friday Flashbacks!

This first picture of Liam is probably one of my all time favorites of him. It's so clear, and colorful. We were at Sea World. In 2006, we had passes to Sea World. I think we went 2 or 3 times that year. Liam is just about 3 years old in this picture.

This second picture of Liam was taken about a month earlier than the first one. Liam was building this tower, and it had gone past where he could reach from the floor, so I showed him that standing on the table would help him build his tower higher. I quickly grabbed the camera and took this shot as he continued to stack his tower taller. He was not so sure about standing so high up on the table, but he had to keep stacking it taller.

2006 doesn't seem that long ago, but to think that Jennan is older now than Liam is in these pictures is wild. That also means, that Liam is now older than Duncan was when these pictures were taken, and Jennan was around Tegan's age now. At the time of these pictures, we hadn't even been in our house a year yet. Anyway, fun stuff.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

liam is freakin' rad, and so is his dedication to his projects!