(Here's last week's update for comparison.)
sunflower #1: The bloom is pretty close to opening. Unfortunately, it's facing the street... that's not cool.
Sunflower #2: One of them opened this week, the other will be open in a couple of days. They face the street too! What's up with that?
Sunflower #1 is about 66 inches tall this week. That's how tall I am. I don't know if it continues to grow taller once it blooms, so we'll wait and see.
Oops, forgot to rotate this one... anyway, #2 is about 32 inches this week.
This week, we woke up with a "Naked Lay" in the yard!
The front pumpkin isn't doing so well. It continues to be ravaged by tiny bugs. I sprayed our organic pesticide on it, but it didn't seem to slow down the bugs at all. I continue to water it in hopes that it will fight on, and produce a pumpkin or two.
Garden box #1:Still doing quite well, even in the scorching heat of the day. The squash and cantaloupe plants seem to be as big as they're going to get. The tomato too. The corn should be getting taller, but it's not. Not quite sure why that is yet.

Last week I showed a picture of a small zucchini... well, that one turned yellow and wilted away! Bummer. But there are a couple of new ones growing. Here's the largest one thus far.

There are a LOT of yellow squashes growing. Here's the largest one. I don't think it's suppose to have the bumpy skin like that. I'm pretty sure it's suppose to be smooth. I don't know why it isn't. I'll have to do some research to try and find out what I am doing, or not doing, to cause this.

Still only have one tomato growing?! I just don't get it. I've seen a couple bees around this week, but nothing seems pollinated that I can tell. In the mean time, I'm glad to see this one still doing well and growing.

Much like the tomato, there is still only one cantaloupe growing. It's gotten huge this week; about 4 inches long. I guess the good thing about having only one, is there's no competition for water from the roots, so it should end up to be a pretty large cantaloupe when it's ripe. But I'd still like to see a few more growing soon.

Last week I showed a picture of a small zucchini... well, that one turned yellow and wilted away! Bummer. But there are a couple of new ones growing. Here's the largest one thus far.
There are a LOT of yellow squashes growing. Here's the largest one. I don't think it's suppose to have the bumpy skin like that. I'm pretty sure it's suppose to be smooth. I don't know why it isn't. I'll have to do some research to try and find out what I am doing, or not doing, to cause this.
Still only have one tomato growing?! I just don't get it. I've seen a couple bees around this week, but nothing seems pollinated that I can tell. In the mean time, I'm glad to see this one still doing well and growing.
Much like the tomato, there is still only one cantaloupe growing. It's gotten huge this week; about 4 inches long. I guess the good thing about having only one, is there's no competition for water from the roots, so it should end up to be a pretty large cantaloupe when it's ripe. But I'd still like to see a few more growing soon.
Garden box#2: The corn here is growing like crazy. A couple of the bigger ones have passed up the corn from box #1. Plus, the pumpkin plant is growing nice and big, and vining out. I finally put the little cantaloupe seedling out of it's misery, and moved a pumpkin plant over in it's place (right lower corner). The roots are still trying to establish themselves. I'm sure that once they do, it will take off in growth as well.

This week, the garden received a special guest... Luis' dad. Well, really it was Kim and Luis, and Luis' parents. But it was Luis' dad that got in there and started moving dirt around, and telling me how to help the plants. He also pointed out how to help our citrus trees to grow better, and which branches to prune, etc. I haven't been able to do all the things that were pointed out yet, but now that I know what I can do, when I get a chance to, I'll be working on it. Luis and his dad did the branch pruning already, so I have ground work to do.
This week, the garden received a special guest... Luis' dad. Well, really it was Kim and Luis, and Luis' parents. But it was Luis' dad that got in there and started moving dirt around, and telling me how to help the plants. He also pointed out how to help our citrus trees to grow better, and which branches to prune, etc. I haven't been able to do all the things that were pointed out yet, but now that I know what I can do, when I get a chance to, I'll be working on it. Luis and his dad did the branch pruning already, so I have ground work to do.
We'll be leaving for AZ tomorrow sometime, so I bought a "soaker" hose to put in the garden boxes to keep the watering going while we're gone. Hopefully it works out. It would be a huge bummer to come home to wilted garden boxes. Cross your fingers for us.