My new favorite show on tv is called "Man v. Food" on the Travel Channel.
The host, Adam Richman, goes to cities all over the country and features restaurants and other eateries that serve up big food, or well known places that are "must eat" when you go to that particular city, etc.
Not only that, but he also takes on restaurant food challenges. When he featured Amarillo, TX, he took on the famous 72 ounce steak dinner challenge at the Big Texan.
Unfortunately, the Travel Channel website and my computer don't get along, so I can't really go there for better details, but you can check out the show's website if you want to.
Here are a couple of commercial spots...
Ok, so, Dad & I have watched that show once or twice and saw an episode where he was trying to eat this HUGH burger in an hour...he didn't make it...but a good try. A few days after that we were in Phillips and guess who was there filming an episode. I got to speak to him...not on camera...but between shots...very interesting.
I saw that episode when he's at Phillipe's! Had I known you guys were there, I would have tried to look for you in a shot.
You'll have to tell me about your conversation the next time we're together!
You should see the things he DOES eat. He's my new hero.
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