Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Mammoth Tusk

Anna took the three older kids out to a local museum in Riverside, called the Jurupa Mountains Cultural Center, last Saturday. They have a lot of geologic exhibits and items, including a newly found mammoth tusk fossil. I don't remember how many millions of years old it is, but I'm sure Anna knows, so you'll have to look for her comment below for the correct estimate.

Here are the kids "running" from this carnivorous dinosaur.

Here they are standing next to another of the dinosaur statues at the museum.

Here's Liam getting to touch the mammoth tusk. Duncan and Jennan have picture of them doing the same thing.
I believe they were giving Anna the VIP tour because she won that national award, so I'm not sure everyone that visits gets to touch the tusk, but our kids got to, so that's very cool.
It's a pretty small place, but they have some pretty cool stuff there (says Anna). They would like Anna to use them as a resource for her teaching, so she's going to borrow stuff from them from time to time.


Anonymous said...

This was a fun day! I love the pic of the mammoth tusk with Liam for scale! :)
BTW: about 10,000 years old.

Ken said...

Wow, I was way off in my guess of how many years ago.