Friday, February 6, 2009

I Meant To Earlier or Happy Late Birthday

Last Saturday was Anna's sister Eva's birthday. I meant to do a blog post in her honor that day, but that day was crazy busy, and I didn't have time. Then I just forgot... till today!

Eva lives in Minnesota. We get to see her and her family a couple times a year when they come to southern California to visit. One year (2004), we went out to visit her and her family in MN. Sara and her kids went too. At the time, we only had Duncan and Liam, and Sara only had Skyler and Jackson.

Here are some pictures from that trip.

Here's baby Jackson, Eva, and Aidan (from left to right). We're all at a fastfood place named Culver's. It was CRAZY GOOD! Home of the butter-burgers. No, it's not a "butter" burger. They grill/toast the buns with butter. It was really good. Culver's also has frozen custard. Probably the best frozen custard I've ever had. As you can tell, I have some very fond memories from that place.

Don't fall asleep when there's a camera present!

The McAlister sisters all grown up. (Anna shaved off her dreads that year)

Eva sitting with the kids in the van we borrowed. I think she's between Duncan and Liam.

I remember it was a fun trip. I'm sure we'll go back again someday.
So a big late HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Eva! Hope you had a great day.


Anonymous said...

You forgot to mention that you are in the trunk in that van picture! :)

Eva said...

Thank you Ken! I love you guys even if you post really bad pics of me sleeping.