Our old passes expired last week, so we renewed them, and got them in the mail the other day. Liam's had expired the week before, so I actually had to buy him a new pass. We also finally broke down and got Jennan a pass too.
The boys are on minimum days half of this week and all of next week due to parent teacher conferences, so as soon as Anna's off from work, we can head out to Anaheim. Once the boys got home, I didn't judge the time before we should leave to pick up Anna very well, so at the last minute I was dashing around to get ready. Once ready, I loaded the kids, and off we went.
We made it to Anna's school right on time. We picked her up so we could be on our way that much sooner. Doing that puts us about 40-50 minutes ahead of waiting for her to get home (sometimes longer). Then on the way home, we swing back by the school so she can drive her car home.
We needed to make a stop at the tshirt wholesaler to pick up an order I placed, and that's when I realised I had forgotten to put the stroller in the van! This was going to be an interesting visit to the "Happiest place on earth". A while earlier in the drive it was also discovered that I forgot the diaper bag. Luckily I'm in the habit of putting a diaper with Tegan's PJs, so we did have an extra one with us.
Once at the Disney parks, we went into Ca. Adv. first since we had some time to do so. We made our way to the Toy Story Midway ride/game, where I totally spanked Anna's score. By the time we were done on that ride, Ca. Adv. was closed, so we trekked over to Disneyland.
The first thing we did was have Liam and Jennan get their official passes. We asked the kids where should we go first, and the response was Buzz Lightyear, so away we went. By the way, Jennan was pretty excited to not be in the stroller, in fact, she literally jumped for joy! And carrying Tegan wasn't too bad. Anna and I took turns, and she did a fair amount of walking too. Back to the play by play. We were in line for about 15 minutes or so for Buzz. Anna said she needed to redeem herself from her poor Midway showing, and she sure did. It also happened to be my personal best score for that ride too, but Anna's got me beat pretty well.

I didn't look to see how close she was to breaking the top ten for the day, but it says she's ranked 27 just above her score. (Mine says 98 [top 100, baby!]) Her mystery rider is Tegan, mine was Jennan. Here's a link to see her other high score. Oh yeah, she also got this score without getting parked right in front of a high score target.

After Buzz, we made our way to Small World to see the new changes. Luckily the line was normal length. The temporary "long line" poles and stings were still up, so you could really tell they have had some long lines there recently. The changes were mostly subtle, but we enjoyed them very much. From there we rode the carousel and did Pirates twice, and then made our way to the tram. It was pretty nice not having to worry about a stroller when it came time to get on the tram. We could go in any line to be seated.
In all, a fun trip, even with the forgotten stroller. It was definitely more work, but we made it through. We might start just bringing the umbrella stroller for Tegan when we come. The only down side is the limited "carry" space under the seat. But we'll see how it goes.
1 comment:
Annas got you on technique! Both hands and eyes straight down the barrel. Good job sister.
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