I think this was the third year (or more) that we've done that. Each of those years we've met up with Anna's sister Sara and her family for the evening. This year was no different.
The kids got a ton of candy this year. It seemed to me that it was the most they've gotten in a couple years. After trick-or-treating grandma and grandpa's street, the younger kids stayed with the moms, and the dads took the older kids to do another street. After one side of the street though, almost all the kids were ready to be done. We still hit up the houses on the other side of the street as we walked back.
Anyhow, here are the pictures of our night...
Jennan was not a big fan of the tiara.
Ahoy, it's the dread pirate, Duncan!

Liam the muscly police man.
Trick or treat!

We were pretty happy with the costumes this year. Tegan's fairy stuff we bought last year for cheap, and it's what Jennan wore last year. Jennan's stuff came from the 99 cent store. Liam's costume is the same one Duncan wore last year. I think we paid $10 for it, but over two years, that's only $5 each. Duncan's costume was pieced together from a few different places. The pants were bought at a thrift store, the long sleeve shirt from the 99cent store, the vest was from some old cub scout activity, the head wrap and sash were cut from an old tshirt, the gun was probably the most expensive thing for the costume at $2.50. I wore my charlie brown shirt (again), and Anna wore an orange shirt that I printed "This IS my costume!". At our ward "Fall Festival" (Halloween party), she wore an old "Where's Waldo" Waldo costume she put together in High School.
Liam the muscly police man.
Trick or treat!
We were pretty happy with the costumes this year. Tegan's fairy stuff we bought last year for cheap, and it's what Jennan wore last year. Jennan's stuff came from the 99 cent store. Liam's costume is the same one Duncan wore last year. I think we paid $10 for it, but over two years, that's only $5 each. Duncan's costume was pieced together from a few different places. The pants were bought at a thrift store, the long sleeve shirt from the 99cent store, the vest was from some old cub scout activity, the head wrap and sash were cut from an old tshirt, the gun was probably the most expensive thing for the costume at $2.50. I wore my charlie brown shirt (again), and Anna wore an orange shirt that I printed "This IS my costume!". At our ward "Fall Festival" (Halloween party), she wore an old "Where's Waldo" Waldo costume she put together in High School.
If you're wondering, about the boys' diet and the candy, here's what we did. We knew they would be getting candy they can't eat (anything with wheat or dairy), so I went and bought some things to trade for their candy. I went to the party store and went through their Halloween party favor isle and picked up a handful of little things like pencils, wind-up toys, stickers, themed pens, and I had some hot wheels cars too. So after going through their candy (with them), I pulled out the goodies I got to trade, and let them pick what they wanted of each thing. They were very happy about that. And they still had plenty of candy they could eat.
Hope you had as good a time as we did.
Tegan Tegan Tegan! That little beauty!
What is Skyler?
and what is up with the muscle police thing, thats so wierd.
skyler was hannah montana. it's too bad we cut her hair (she donated it) before she told she wanted to be hannah montana! she did have a wig but she didn't wear it because it bothered her too much.
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