Monday, June 7, 2010

Birthday Fun

Last Saturday there were some birthdays celebrated- Hunter's, Ethan's and Tegan's!

There was a TON of food! Super nachos, posole, fruit salad, drinks, 2 cakes and cupcakes, ice cream, and candy!

A big thank you to Kevin and Dawn for letting us squeeze Tegan into the birthday mix at the last minute, and to Kim and Luis for all their hard work in cooking food and cleaning the side yard.

Here are a bunch of pictures from the festivities...

Skyler being a good big cousin, and pushing Tegan in the car.


Great reaction for the new Tinkerbell shirt.

Instant love for the manatee.

Great shot of Tegan with her birthday cupcake of Milli from Team Umizoomi. (The girls love that show.)

Jennan's post-cupcake face! Silly girl!

Hunter got a new DS XL and some new DS games. Concentration is excruciating.

Time for some pinata action! There were two of them. Here's Tegan unloading on the ninja turtle.

A great shot of Duncan unleashing his pinata-hitting fury on the obliterated turtle.

Duncan got some alone time with Hunter's new DS.

Then it was time for the huge slide! Here's Anna and Tegan at the top, ready to slide down. Tegan needed help in the beginning, to get to the top, but after a while, she was getting up mostly by herself.

Anna and Jennan ready to go.

We had a great time. Great food, and sweets! Lots of time to visit. Fun things to do. It was all good!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It was a fun party! Thanks for the pictures. It was fun to see a bunch of us there filling the backyard.