Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Odelay verde!

Nothing is dieing, so that's good. The corn is blocking the view of the other corn now.

In box uno, the yellow squash is starting to excel. All three broccoli plants have begun to bloom. A couple of the strawberry plants are filling out and are looking very healthy.

Huge blossom on the yellow squash this morning.

The head on the largest broccoli.

In box dos, the corn keeps getting taller. The zucchini are getting big. One of the second generation transplanted broccoli is starting to flourish.

Future dinner!

As you can see, there are a bunch of 2 inch corn seedlings! I'll have to thin them out so they have lots of room to grow and less competition between roots for water. I need to prep another spot to put the ones I remove, instead of just chucking them.

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