Looks like the only picture from Thanksgiving is the one below. We didn't take any of us at the cabin, or at the compound. None of the food or family. Oh well. Thursday night, instead of drive all the way home, we stayed at G-ma and G-pa McAlister's house. The kids all knocked out on the drive up. We packed them all into one bed. They slept fine.
The next day. Most of us from the Foutz side went and played some softball/baseball/teeball. It was fun. Everyone got a chance to bat, run, catch, and throw.
Saturday, most of the Foutz side also went on a hike up at Eaton Canyon. Anna knew how to get to the waterfall, so we all followed her. It was a pretty fun hike. Not nearly as tough as the one we did a few weeks before.

She got over it.

On Sunday, in the early evening, Liam was riding his scooter and wiped out, slicing his cheek in the process. We're not talking about a scratch, we're talking about a deep cut. Anna took him in to urgent care, and they glued it closed. We're really hoping that the scaring is minimal.
Also Saturday evening, Kristi put on her apron and started cutting hair. Only one person wasn't as keen as the others about the hair cut... that was Tegan. I ended up holding her so Kristi could work her magic. Luckily Tegan held still for the most part. She was not happy about it at all.
She got over it.
On Sunday, in the early evening, Liam was riding his scooter and wiped out, slicing his cheek in the process. We're not talking about a scratch, we're talking about a deep cut. Anna took him in to urgent care, and they glued it closed. We're really hoping that the scaring is minimal.
Part of our family night on Monday was putting out the outdoor Christmas decorations. It's turned into Anna's job because she's the one that wants all that lawn decor. You can't see the 3 trees and 2 deer she also has out there. You can see some of the candy canes along the walkway.
Thanks for all the posts and updates. Good stuff all around. Love you guys!
That picture of the kids all lined up in bed is SO GOOD! Good thing for Liam if it does leave a mark, scars are cool.
Liam looks tough! You guys probably know all the tricks, but vitamin E really helps reduce scaring.
cute picture of all the kids asleep. baseball was fun and i still feel bad for hitting the ball so hard. LOVE the picture of the family at the waterfall. in tegan's defense, it was late and she was tired. i'm sure she'll do better the next haircut. liam looks tough! maybe we'll make the trip to see your lawn decorations in person!
I also have to say that I love Jennan in that light in the last shot. Soooo good.
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