Friday, November 20, 2009

friday flashback 11.20.09

That's a keeper.

This picture actually has writing on the back. It says, "brothers and sisters getting in on Kevin's photo shoot.", and it's dated (sort of), Aug/Sept 1995.

If my memory serves me right, and it rarely does, Kevin was taking some pictures for his mission paperwork. That's why he's wearing a tie. I believe he was using that yellowy-orangish blanket, draped over a string through the front room, as a backdrop. The blanket made the string droop, so he had to take the pictures while kneeling.

My guess is that dad, who was probably taking the picture, asked/told us kids to all get together for a picture. We might have taken a "nice" picture, but I don't have it if we did. Instead, I have this pretty fun picture of us all.

Someone must have mentioned reacting to something or looking at something to the right because most of us are doing that to some degree. As you can see, Kevin and I are really selling it. Kristi and Keith looked but it wasn't as scary/exciting for them as it was us. Kelly's too busy watching Kevin to look at what's there. Kim is... holding Kristi at finger-gun point? And Kyle is in his pjs looking pretty oblivious to it all.

Yep, that's us. (14 years ago) We're a pretty fun group.


Unknown said...'s my children...aren't they cute!?

Kyle said...

I'm just glad those pajamas didn't have a hole in them.

Kristi said...

Kyle! HAHA!!
I like this picture despite my 2 tone thing. . . .