Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Mmm, Mmm, Good!

Last Friday, I cut up the ripest cantaloupe to see if it was ready to eat yet. It was nice and soft without being mushy, and smelled really good. It did have a bright to dark reddish bruise, but I just cut that part off.

I put all the cut pieces in a storage bowl and put that in the refrigerator to eat at dinner.

That afternoon, I decided it was time to harvest the ears of corn from the shorter corn stalks, and that we would eat some for dinner. Anna rounded up the kids, and they went a-pickn'.
Here's the bounty! There were probably 3 in this bunch that weren't up to the rest, but there was still plenty. They weren't as big as the ones you buy at the grocery store, but they were a good size.

Duncan happily helping to shuck some corn between Wii games.

Here's mommy and the girls doing most of the shucking. (I really like how this picture tuned out.)

While all that shucking was taking place, I was busy frying up some GFCF chicken tenders. So that was our dinner that night- home grown corn on the cob and cantaloupe, and homemade chicken tenders!

Here's the aftermath: cantaloupe- Gone! Corn- Gone! Chicken Tenders- Gone! Three for three! Not too shabby. The corn was SOOO good.

btw- Anna says this is kind of a gross picture because of the corn cobs. I say it's not gross. what is your opinion?

Anyway, it was a delicious dinner. We made a point of telling the kids how fun it was to be eating food we grew in our own garden and backyard. They seemed to think it was a cool thing too.

We look forward to having more dinners like that in the future.


Kyle said...

The cobs are MOIST with everyone's SHARED SPIT...

I still say not gross. Corn cobs are immune to gross.

Kimberly said...

i vote not gross.

Unknown said...

Dad says, "What, no chicken feathers?"

Sara Kelley said...

you know me...i have to side with my sister...
definitely gross!

Anna said...

Even before I got to the part where you say that I think it is gross, and since I knew you had taken that picture, I thought..."brace yourself...GROSS!!! It is sooooo just a bowl of saliva!

Kristi said...

They are pretty well cleaned up, not all snaggly with leftover pieces, so not gross.
I love that you are doing this garden, such a great lesson! For everyone!
Good job with the natural light in that picture of Anna and the girls, and great job keeping Jennans hair down!

JN said...

I was gonna say something, then I read MOIST and SHARED SPIT and got all sidetracked.