It's garden time!
Here you can see the brand new corn seedlings right along the edge of the drip hose. It's funny, the corn needs the soil to be warm, and it's just cooled off this week a little. So we'll see how well they do this next week with some cooler temps.
This week, I pulled the cantaloupe plant out. It used to be in the lower corner of the planter on the left. I picked the last cantaloupe, and chucked the plant. I also pulled a lot of the overgrown grass on this side of the planters as well. The upper corners is where the corn is.
Here's one of the view I usually take. In the lower corner on the right is where the yellow crookneck squash plant was. I also pulled that out this week. It was done, so I put it out of it's misery. Not sure what I'll put there next, especially since the tomato plant is dominating that side of the planter pretty much. The large plant you see at the back of the 2nd box is our second set of zucchini plants. Those are the ones that started as seeds and almost got eaten to death as seedlings. It's doing VERY well these days. We'll see how long it lasts.

Here are some of the tomatoes that changed color recently. I waited to pick them because it seemed they weren't ready. There were 4 of them, but the other two were all shrively, so this is the color they ended up being. I hope all the other tomatoes on the plant don't do this.

I picked these the other day. That's the last cantaloupe, and it's the biggest one we've gotten. I just hope it tastes good. The zucchini is from the second set of zucchini pants! It's approx. 9.5 inches long. Looking forward to getting some more from those plants.

The pumpkins are doing well. The color is deepening on both of them. There might be another one finally growing on one of the other vines. I don't want to jinx it, so I'm kind of ignoring it at the moment. It's a little bigger than the size they get before they wither away, so I'm hopeful.
Here's one of the view I usually take. In the lower corner on the right is where the yellow crookneck squash plant was. I also pulled that out this week. It was done, so I put it out of it's misery. Not sure what I'll put there next, especially since the tomato plant is dominating that side of the planter pretty much. The large plant you see at the back of the 2nd box is our second set of zucchini plants. Those are the ones that started as seeds and almost got eaten to death as seedlings. It's doing VERY well these days. We'll see how long it lasts.
Here are some of the tomatoes that changed color recently. I waited to pick them because it seemed they weren't ready. There were 4 of them, but the other two were all shrively, so this is the color they ended up being. I hope all the other tomatoes on the plant don't do this.
I picked these the other day. That's the last cantaloupe, and it's the biggest one we've gotten. I just hope it tastes good. The zucchini is from the second set of zucchini pants! It's approx. 9.5 inches long. Looking forward to getting some more from those plants.
The pumpkins are doing well. The color is deepening on both of them. There might be another one finally growing on one of the other vines. I don't want to jinx it, so I'm kind of ignoring it at the moment. It's a little bigger than the size they get before they wither away, so I'm hopeful.
Other than that, I'm looking into what I can plant next. Lettuce and spinach seem to be good fall options, I've been told, but I'm not sure I want to do either of those. Someone also mentioned carrots, but I'm not sure it's the right time for those, and sugar snap peas. Sorry, but none of those are really perking me up. I think I'll have to head down to the nursery dept. of Lowe's or Home Depot, and see what they have or recommend.
Happy gardening.