Monday, August 24, 2009

Pure Awesomeness

I stumbled across these Japanese commercials that feature Brad Pitt. I believe they were pulled up due to the success of Mr. Pitt's newest film role in Inglorious Bastards which killed at the box office this weekend (pun intended).

I clicked on them out of simple curiosity since the Japanese tend to have some pretty interesting commercials most of the time.

To my surprise... these commercials also feature Musashimaru! Musashimaru is one of the most successful American born Sumo champions in Sumo history. He is Samoan, and from Hawaii.

I REALLY like these commercials for some reason. I think it's the subtleties in the music, the expressions instead of words to tell the story, and so on...

See for your self...


What do you think?


Kyle said...

I like Brad Pitt in just about everything I see him in. This is no exception. Also, Musashimaru! That's very cool. (make that money!)

Kristi said...

The food one is definitely the better one. Rad find, I actually chuckled!

Anna said...

AWESOME!!! It makes me want to watch Musashimaru do a quick "yoshi-dashi" or translated, an "over-armthrow!" (If I remember my sumo terms correctly.) :)

Unknown said...

Dad and I LOVED these! Continue to share.