visited 13 states (26%)
Create your own visited map of The United States
I found this cool application (I guess that's what you would call it?) on my friend Colleen's blog, and decided to do it too.
Those are all the states I've been in or visited.
I visited Kristi and Jason in New York when they lived there. On that trip, we also drove to Pennsylvania to visit our family members there. We drove through part of New Jersey to get there, so I'm counting it.
I served my mission in Virginia, and I served in an area that had part of North Carolina in it. I've also visited Kitty Hawk, which is in NC as well.
We visited Eva and her family in Minnesota a number of years ago.
When Anna was pregnant with Duncan, we drove with Sara and baby Skyler to Wyoming to visit Bonnie and Allen while they were on their mission there.
I've been to Utah a bunch of times. Picking up and dropping off either Kelly or Keith there a few times. Visiting Anna's family in St. George. Went to the MTC there, and then back for a mission reunion. Visiting Josh and Sara while Josh was at BYU. Etc.
As a kid, we went to Arizona every summer to visit second cousins, and other extended family. In more recent times, we've gone to visit Kevin and Dawn's family, and Jason and Kristi.
We drove all the way over to New Mexico to visit Keith and Mindy for Carters blessing. That was a fun trip.
I've been to Vegas sooooo many times. We also visited Jason and Kristi when they lived in Henderson. And we've also been to Laughlin.
I visited Hawaii a few times as a kid, a few times as a teen and young adult, and with Anna as well. I've been on Oahu, Maui, and Hawaii (the big island).
It's dawning on me that I still haven't been to the pacific north-west yet. I even know people to visit in Oregon, Washington and Idaho. There's lots of other states I'd like to visit as well.
This has put me in the vacationing mood. Who wants a visit this summer?
I can't post my own map in the comments section. bummer.
The Pacific Northwest is over-rated (and over-grown) :)
It's all about the desert!!! All that green-stuff covers up the rock outcrops!
Of course, you already know my opinion about that... :)
I've been in or visited or lived in a few states here and there...I'll have to try this map thing.
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