The cabin is just around the corner from the Mountain High ski resort, so traffic getting in was really thick. But there's nothing you can do but be patient. The kids had a tougher time being patient when they can see snow, but we're not stopping to play in it.
Once we got to the cabin, (I think it was about 11am) there were some people playing in the snow in the entry way to the driveway. Not that we can drive on the drive way, it's covered in snow, but it made it a little awkward.
Anna's dad came out to meet us at the street with a toboggan to pull the kids on, over to the cabin. It's about a 40 yard walk. The trick was to walk in the previously made holes from someone else's steps, so you didn't sink in the 12 or so inches you would have otherwise with each step.
Once inside the cabin, Anna's mom was setting all the kids up with snow gear for playing in the snow. Snow bib pants, jackets, gloves, boots and even hats if they needed them. They have a bunch of all that stuff for snow days at the cabin for the grandkids. And we are glad they do.
Once the kids were set up to play in the snow, they were out the door. Grandpa showed them where they could slide down, and that's pretty much what they did for hours. They have a two person snow boogie-board that's super light, and it became Liam's favorite. He was on that thing for most of the day. Eventually everyone had a turn or two inside, for lunch, or the bathroom, or warm up, etc., but Liam did those things the least; to the amazement of everyone. We also worked on a snow fort, threw snow balls at each other, built snowmen, and all that other fun snow stuff.
Anna's parents had to head back to Pasadena for the evening, so they left before we did. At about 4:30-ish we made the boys come in the cabin. We ate some of the dinner we brought, watched Wall-E, and warmed by the fire, before loading up to go home. I think we left at around 7:30pm.
It was a really fun day. I think we ended up taking over 60 pictures that day, maxing out all of our memory chips. Speaking of pictures, here are some from that day...
I'm jealous
How super-fun
It was very ultra-super fun!
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