Last Saturday, the primary had a "Breakfast with Santa" activity. There aren't any picture of the breakfast part. There's just too many kids that need something continually, to have the time to take a few pictures. They had pancakes and eggs with milk or orange juice.
But Anna did get pictures of the kids sitting on Santa's lap...
Tegan wanted nothing to do with sitting on Santa's lap.

Now that dad has rescued her...

Pretty pretty Jennan

Liam was happy to talk to Santa.
Duncan's all about the whole Santa, lists, and being good this year.
After sitting on Santa's lap, the primary kids went into a room to make a Christmas craft. They were making a snowflake type thing with beads.
The kids were invited to wear their pajamas to the activity if they wanted to. Only about half did. A few of the leaders did too.
The gift from Santa this year was a pillow case. They were donated by Anna's mom. She made them.
All the kids that went had a good time.
A home made pillowcase? thats cool.
do you have any left over pillow cases?
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