At least it is for Anna.
Today is Anna's first day back to work/school with students. She said she has to get used to being mean again. Not that she's mean to her students, but she has to be very strict and firm with them from day 1, so they learn to listen and obey. Once they have that down, she lightens up a bit, and the fun of Earth Science can then be bestowed upon them. Anna's the queen of class room management. One of the down sides to that is getting assigned classes with a majority of "at risk" type kids. At least this year, Anna gets to have 2 periods of "regular" kids. So that should be a little better than years past.
In other Anna news, she was informed this past week that she's been awarded the National Association of Geoscience Teacher's 2008 Outstanding Earth Science Teacher Award! She was nominated by an old classmate from Cal State L.A. Anna is one of 10 recipients in the nation, and the one from the Far West region. So that's very cool. She gets $500 for lab supplies, $500 in travel expenses to the next Geologic Society of America conference (which she really likes to attend), as well as free membership in quite a few other organizations. She'll also get a wall plaque to show off her achievement.

Flashback photo: Anna in Mexico (Spring or Summer of 94?)
my guess is summer of '94. i'm pretty sure she was in mexico for her class trip. she's so tan!
Congrats Anna!
i always knew you'd make something of yourself someday.
We all knew she was the BEST Geoscience teacher around, it is about time the rest of the world knew it!
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