Wednesday, July 9, 2008


It might be a little bit backwards, but this post will cover a bunch of stuff briefly, and then later, I might post some details in their own entries. Make sense?... Anyway, here's the stuff...

Left for Boy Scout camp on June 28th. Got home from Scout camp July 5th. Since then, things have been pretty busy.

While at scout camp, Duncan and Liam started the new school year. (The district they're in is year round, and the track they're on starts school in July, off for August, back in September till Thanksgiving, off till January, back till April, off at the end of June.) Duncan is in 1st grade, and Liam is in Kindergarten.

Duncan and Liam also started a new diet the week before school started. It's a gluten-free, and casein-free diet. Gluten is a wheat protein, and casein is a milk protein. These two proteins can be very harsh on the digestive system, and if there's a build up of these proteins in their system, it can affect the bodies chemistry (particularly the brain's), and cause a lack of focus, communication, self control, etc. The GFCF (gluten-free, casein-free) diet has been an effective biomedical treatment for disorders such as ADD, ADHD, and Autism. Neither Liam nor Duncan have a current diagnosis of any of these disorders, we decided that if it would help them succeed in school, it was worth doing. We will be seeing a specialist in the month or two to find out for sure if the boys have any of those disorders. The GFCF diet has been challenging to say the least, but we're learning more and more about food alternatives and we're eating a lot healthier in general because of it. The boys have been great about being on the diet as well.

Saturday when I got home from scout camp, we went to the drive-in to see WALL.E. It came out the weekend before, but I was leaving, so we told the kids we would go when I came back. Duncan is a pretty good rememberer when it comes to that stuff, so there was no getting around it. The kids enjoyed it very much. The other movie in the double feature was kung fu Panda. I was happy to see it again. Everyone else fell asleep.

Sunday, only half the scouts made it to church. Lame.

After church, we went to visit a Friend of Anna's from school. Her daughter was having a birthday. We brought our own GFCF cake for the boys to eat. It was a fun visit.

Our friends live in Whittier, so since we were so close to the compound, we stopped in to say hi to my mom and dad. We were at their house for about an hour or so.

We've spent the past couple days researching more foods that fit into the GFCF diet. We're looking at labels, calling manufacturers, and comparing prices at different stores for foods that we know we're going to buy. We can buy fresh foods at any grocery store, but there's certain things that we can only find at health food stores.

Oh yeah, there was a UFC PPV on Saturday as well. I bought it, and made two copies. One for Kristi and Jason, and the other for Kevin who now lives in Queen Creek, AZ.

I hope to get around to posting some specific entries about some of these things, so you'll have to check back later for those.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I LOVE that you are using food as the approach to heath concerns. I back that totally.
I wanna go to the drive-in with you guys!