Thursday, July 31, 2008
WEC this Sunday...

Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Where were you?
Where were you?
I was at the 99 cent store in Redlands, in the detergent/soap isle. By the time the earthquake got to Redlands, it was more of a rolling than jolting movement. I saw a few items of soap teeter in their places, and the signage above was slightly swaying. A lot of people "froze" in their tracks, while others had no idea there was just an earthquake. No one's cell phone worked. I was actually pleasantly surprised at how calm everyone was and remained.
But I did decide quite quickly that I was done shopping, and made my way to a checkout stand. I figured I didn't want to be in there if another fault slipped due to the pressure release of the one that just passed.
Good times.
BTW- Anna's been on cloud nine since the quake. She's been to a bunch of websites, watched a press conference, received numerous phone calls, made numerous phone calls, etc. She's having a great day. Earthquakes are like Christmas to Geologists!
Monday, July 28, 2008
Our pioneer day...
The first couple pictures are of me helping Duncan to get a kite up in the air. It wasn't very windy, but with a shortened string, as Duncan ran, the kite would get airborne. Then a small breeze started to pass through, and we were able to let out some string for the kite. Liam enjoyed running with the kite too.
Here are some pictures of the kids in the covered wagon. They ran the wagon around the ball field, so it was a pretty good sized loop. The kids liked the wagon, and rode a few times.
Other than the horses pulling the wagon, they also had a "pony" for the kids to ride. Duncan was in line pretty quick to ride the horse and loved it. Liam was a little further back in line, but waited very patiently and looks like he snuck a little pet on the mane either before or after his ride.
The activity wasn't hugely attended. It was the usual crowd of very ward active people. The nice thing about that is we all get to hang out and have a good time pretty regularly, and if the rest of the ward shows up, that's great, but if it's most of the usuals, we still have a fun time. There was also a ton of food, so that helps any get together be a successful one.
Speaking of food. The activity had hot dogs, so that works for us. The kids just don't have the bun (though Duncan did want one, but he understands), and there was jello which they can have, and watermelon, and potato and corn chips, so the only thing we really had to bring from home was some cookies. Liam also got a little sad that he couldn't have cheetos. He saw other kids eating them, and that's always tough to tell them they can't have it when it's so close and other kids are eating them. So it was ultimately good for all of us because they're learning that even if it's right there, they still have to refrain, and it was good for us to deal with that. It may sound funny, but the more practice we get in those types of situations, the better we'll all be at handling them.
Anyway, yeah, a fun time. Later that day we went to my nephew Andrew's 1st birthday party at the Foutz compound, and had a great time there as well.
Friday, July 25, 2008
But what about your family?
The kids...
There's been a lot of bumps and bruises lately. And unfortunately, I haven't taken any pictures of them, sorry. A little over a week ago, Duncan found out the hard way why it's important to not run int he church; especially around those really heavy doors. He was trying to out run Liam into a room, and caught the edge of one of the doors just under his right eyebrow on the outer edge. It peeled back a tiny layer of skin, and left a small bruise. After a day or two it developed a solid scab. By now the scab has either fallen off, or been picked off, and he's got the newer pink skin in that spot.
Liam, the other day, walked into the edge of one of the buildings at school. I guess he wasn't looking where he was going, and as he turned his head, there was the stucco wall. It left a bit of an impression on Liam's forehead.
Tegan just yesterday went to bend over to pick something up next to the computer desk chair, and miss judged where the knob to adjust the seat was and strait head-butted it with full force, right in the center of her forehead. It turned a blueish color right away, and swelled about 1/4 inch out. The swelling went down before the end of the day, but the bruising is still there.
I can't remember if Jennan's done anything like that recently. She's usually our clumsy one, so it's just a matter of time till she's got a new bump or bruise. I'll try to keep you posted.
Other than that, things are going pretty well.
Duncan and Liam will be off track soon. Their last day is Aug. 1st, then they don't go back till after Labor Day. So that will be cool.
Jennan has been all about pretend play the past few weeks. She has a load of beany baby animals that she plays with. Particularly her two cats, Spots and Fur, they pretty much go everywhere with her. And she's getting to where she's wiping her own bottom after going poop, so that's very cool. Now we need to work on her putting her underwear and shorts back on when she's done using the toilet.
Tegan is walking more and more. If she wants to get somewhere quick, she'll plop down to her hands and knees and take off, but otherwise, she's walking to get where she wants to go. It may take her a little longer that way, but she doesn't seem to mind.
Anna is enjoying her time off from work. She's very dedicated to the kids' diet and learning as much as she can about biomedical treatments for ASD, as well as alternate vaccination time lines, and the use of "organic" products vs. regular products. If you have any questions about any of that stuff Anna would LOVE to share what she's learned. She's become quite passionate about those subjects.
As for me, I'm enjoying sleeping till 8am most days. Anna usually gets the kids up and ready for their day. I've committed to doing my calling as scoutmaster to the best of my ability, so that tends to take up some of each day. Anna's been good about not overwhelming me with "to do" lists, but I do have things that need to get done, and she's good about reminding me.
So that's it for this update. I'll try to put more stuff up here about the family more often.
MMA stuff...
If you have cable or satelite, Spike TV is airing UFC 84 Saturday night 9pm ET/PT (I have DirecTV, and for some reason, I get the Eastern feed for Spike TV shows, so for me it'll start at 6pm. Check your local listing to make sure what time it's on in your area.). UFC 84 features the main event of BJ Penn fighting Sean Sherk for the Lightweight Title (unofficially the undisputed lightweight title). You can read my take on the fights here. And when you're done watching the fights, you can check out my post fight comments here.
The other MMA fights happening are on CBS. It's their second EliteXC show, and the main event is a rematch from their first show on CBS, between Robbie Lawler (the champ) vs. Scott Smith. Their first fight ended early due to a finger in the eye of Lawler from Smith. I don't remember if it was deemed a "no contest", or if they disqualified Smith, or what ever. But this is their "unfinished business" rematch. That's really the only fight of note on that card. There is a female MMA fight on the card though, so if you'd like to get familliar with female MMA, you might want to check it out. Oh yeah, and also Nick Diaz is fighting too. I'm looking forward to seeing him fight again. His younger brother Nate is awesome, so I hope Nick does well.
In other MMA stuff, I've recently began frequenting an MMA blog called cagepotato.com. They cover all sorts of MMA related news and information. I've been learning a lot about the MMA world outside of just the UFC, and it's pretty cool. If you're interested in going a little deeper into the MMA world, you might want to check them out.
That was all, carry on.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Will need one soon...

Carl's Jr. also has a new hand scooped shake flavor... Banana Cream! Not only do they put a banana cream flavored syrup in the shake, they also blend in real Nilla wafers! There's also a coupon for $1.00 off one of these as well. ( I wonder if they'll let me use both coupons together?)

I'm wondering if all the GFCF food that's taken over our kitchen is why I'm so drawn to so much "outside" food? The GFCF food is a bit more expensive than what we used to buy,and therefor it tends to be all we buy, and then Anna and I feel guilty for eating it because it's for the kids, and it would last longer if we weren't eating it as well. But we haven't been too good about buying groceries for ourselves and we've become a bit scavengeristic in our eating habits, and also find ourselves looking "outside" for food, which in the long run, isn't a cheap habit to get into, or ultimately a healthy one. Though we're willing to sacrifice what we need to to benefit the kids. I think it comes down to Anna and I feeling that having "regular" food in the house would be a strong temptation for the boys, and pull them away from the food they're suppose to eat.
Well, I didn't mean for this post to get all feelings and stuff, so yeah... Monster Breakfast sandwiches and Banana shakes! When you try them, come back and leave a comment on what you thought.
Monday, July 21, 2008
UFC FN recap...

Saturday, July 19, 2008
The new favorite show...

I'm not quite sure how they found this show. I don't know if the TV got turned on and it was in progress, or if it started after a show they were watching. But most likely is was recorded on the Tivo's "suggestions" category. Duncan's gotten pretty good at using the remote, and the suggestions is one of his favorite things to check. Keep in mind I have the TiVo set to record a bunch of the shows they already like, but he's into checking the suggestions.
Here's an example of what the show is like...
Thursday, July 17, 2008
25% off at Sports Authority coupon
A little skin?! ...scandalous!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Fight Night...

Tuesday, July 15, 2008
J Fo's Bday dinner and party...
(This video is old, but it's to show you the slide everyone was playing on.)
Monday, July 14, 2008
GFCF mini corn dog meal...
Almost forgot... the kids LOVED the corndogs!
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Friday, July 11, 2008
Slurpee Day!

We don't have many 7-Elevens by us, so we don't get to take full advantage or this opportunity. I hope you do.
You're Welcome.
Have a brain freezing slurpalicious day!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
On the brain!
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Left for Boy Scout camp on June 28th. Got home from Scout camp July 5th. Since then, things have been pretty busy.
While at scout camp, Duncan and Liam started the new school year. (The district they're in is year round, and the track they're on starts school in July, off for August, back in September till Thanksgiving, off till January, back till April, off at the end of June.) Duncan is in 1st grade, and Liam is in Kindergarten.
Duncan and Liam also started a new diet the week before school started. It's a gluten-free, and casein-free diet. Gluten is a wheat protein, and casein is a milk protein. These two proteins can be very harsh on the digestive system, and if there's a build up of these proteins in their system, it can affect the bodies chemistry (particularly the brain's), and cause a lack of focus, communication, self control, etc. The GFCF (gluten-free, casein-free) diet has been an effective biomedical treatment for disorders such as ADD, ADHD, and Autism. Neither Liam nor Duncan have a current diagnosis of any of these disorders, we decided that if it would help them succeed in school, it was worth doing. We will be seeing a specialist in the month or two to find out for sure if the boys have any of those disorders. The GFCF diet has been challenging to say the least, but we're learning more and more about food alternatives and we're eating a lot healthier in general because of it. The boys have been great about being on the diet as well.
Saturday when I got home from scout camp, we went to the drive-in to see WALL.E. It came out the weekend before, but I was leaving, so we told the kids we would go when I came back. Duncan is a pretty good rememberer when it comes to that stuff, so there was no getting around it. The kids enjoyed it very much. The other movie in the double feature was kung fu Panda. I was happy to see it again. Everyone else fell asleep.
Sunday, only half the scouts made it to church. Lame.
After church, we went to visit a Friend of Anna's from school. Her daughter was having a birthday. We brought our own GFCF cake for the boys to eat. It was a fun visit.
Our friends live in Whittier, so since we were so close to the compound, we stopped in to say hi to my mom and dad. We were at their house for about an hour or so.
We've spent the past couple days researching more foods that fit into the GFCF diet. We're looking at labels, calling manufacturers, and comparing prices at different stores for foods that we know we're going to buy. We can buy fresh foods at any grocery store, but there's certain things that we can only find at health food stores.
Oh yeah, there was a UFC PPV on Saturday as well. I bought it, and made two copies. One for Kristi and Jason, and the other for Kevin who now lives in Queen Creek, AZ.
I hope to get around to posting some specific entries about some of these things, so you'll have to check back later for those.