Friday, June 27, 2008
Going... Going...
They'll be sleeping in tents, cooking their own food, cleaning up after themselves including our campsite latrine. They'll have to walk to get anywhere, go to merit badge classes, and hopfully not get too bored with having to entertain themselves with out a tv, video games, ipod, cell phones, computers, etc.
They've been encouraged to bring their Duty to God booklets, scriptures, Boy Scout handbook, merit badge pamphlets, writing supplies, and the like, to fill what ever "extra" time they have.
I'm looking forward to finding out what things they forgot to pack (sarcasm), and helping them to look at the "bright side", namely- "The good news is, next time you probably won't forget."
I'm realy hoping to avoid any wild animal enounters.
I'm really not looking forward to finding out what I forgot to pack.
I'm hoping this week is spent helping the boys grow as young men and as a unit, and less time spent "babysitting".
It may not sound like it, but I'm looing forward to this experience. I do want to be an effective scoutmaster, and that means spending the time with the young men, and learning what I can do to help them acheive their goals, and in some cases, helping them figure out what their goals should be.
I should get back to getting ready to go. I'm sure I'll have some stories when I get back (at least I hope they'll be stories of good things and not bad things).
... Gone.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
It's tough...
That's all I have time for right now, I hope to have some time soon.
Carry on...
Friday, June 20, 2008
Can't wait to try one...

Thursday, June 19, 2008
While driving Anna to the eye doctor in Ontario, the temp reading was 111 the whole time.
That's hot.
I heart AC!
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
My new calling (sort of)...

Wednesday, June 11, 2008
UFC 85 report card...
The fight card was stacked with great match ups. I'll get to that in a minute. Here's my report card...
The report card indicates my picks. The red I got wrong, the green I got right. There's an awful lot of red on there. Out of 11 fights, I got 6 of the winning fighters right. That's not too horrible.
Here are the official results...
My rants on the fights:
Matt Hughes vs. Thiago Alves : First of all, Thiago didn't make weight for the fight. He came in at 174 instead of 170. He has to cut a lot of weight to fight at 170, which makes him a big 170-er to begin with. Then add that he didn't look at all dehydrated, which is a common weight cutting technique, which to me says he didn't try that hard to lose that last 4 pounds. If you're not dehydrated, you retain a lot of your energy. There's a trend in fighting that an opponent will purposefully not make weight, so he retains his energy or size, and the guy he's fighting, who cut the weight, takes the fight anyway because he's spent the time training and cutting, and the guy with the extra weight now has an unfair advantage. Sure the guy that didn't cut the weight gets a percentage of his winnings taken away and/or fined, but he still gets the win. I don't like that. In addition to the fighter giving up a part of his winnings, I think the guy that can't make weight "forfeits" the fight, meaning he has the loss, and if his opponent takes the fight and loses, he still gets the "W" because he made weight when the other guy didn't. I think that would force guys to have to make weight. I hope that makes sense. There's a part of me that thinks Thiago knew that Matt would take the fight even if he didn't make the weight, and used that as an advantage in the fight.
Thiago had good punching, good take down defence, and just out fought Matt. The reality might be that Matt hasn't been able to keep up with the level of skill needed to be successful in the UFC anymore. He says he wants to fight Matt Serra before he retires, so I'm sure we'll see that this year sometime.
Brandon Vera vs. Fabricio Werdum: This fight was shaping up to be a war. There was going to be a lot of action and so on. I guess no one told the ref that these guys were going all out and that they can take the abuse. Shortly after the first round began, Fabricio found himself in a mount on Brandon and was unloading. Brandon looked to be defending well enough, though he wasn't able to do anything offensively, and before you know it, the ref stops the fight! What?! Right away you see Brandon upset at the stoppage, yelling at the ref, and complaining. Yes, the refs are there to protect the fighters from taking unnecessary damage when they aren't able to defend themselves anymore, but Brandon was defending, just not returning any punches. Man, that sucked. I'm sure we'll see Brandon again soon, he didn't get injured, and I'm sure he'll want to fight again to now get redemption for two fights (losses). Oh yeah, that was the first fight of the night, so it wasn't a great start for the PPV.
Michael Bisping came out guns blazin' and put Jason Day away rather quickly.
Marcus Davis and Mike Swick had a war! Swick had fast hands, and Davis' face was proof of that. Davis got beat up, or at least that's the story his face told. He hung in there though, and showed a lot of heart. Swick looked good, though he wasn't able to put Davis away. It was a good fight.
Nate Marquardt wasn't able to put Thales Leites away either. Thales' face told the same story Davis' did in his fight. He got beat up! Thales did land a few pretty devastating punches. One put Nate on his back for a moment, but I thought Nate, over all, dominated the fight. Unfortunately, Nate had not one, but TWO point taken away during the fight. One was for an illegal strike to the back of the head, though the replay clearly shows that it was not, and I missed the other one somehow (I must have had to help Anna at that time for something). With those 2 points gone, and the fight going to decision, Thales took the win. Man, that was lame too.
Martin Kapmann took care of Jorge Rivera pretty quickly with a choke in the first round. Kapmann has a kickboxing back round, but has terrific submission skills. He'll be contending for the belt soon, I'm sure.
Matt Wiman and Thiago Tavares had a very technical jiu jitsu style fight going for most of the first round. I like seeing two guys so well versed in MMA jiu jitsu trade positions and submission attempts. But in the first minute of the second round, it was a punch that ended the fight. A huge KO win for Matt.
We saw UFC newcomer Luiz Cane put Jason Lambert away in the first round with a TKO win.
We got to see a clip of UFC newcomer Kevin Burns triangle choke brazillian ju jitsu black belt Roan Carneiro. I believe it was the "submission of the night", meaning he got a bonus from the UFC.
We also got to see some clips of the Eddie Sanchez - Antoni Hardonk fight. I guess Eddie was getting the better of Hardonk, but Hardonk landed a huge punch that marked the beginning of the end for Sanchez, and gave Hardonk the TKO win.
We didn't see any of the Paul Taylor, Jess Liaudin fight. But I'm glad Paul Taylor won.
All in all, not a bad night of fights. There were definitely some unfortunate outcomes though, and that's never fun for the viewer or the fighters. I know my score card would look a whole lot greener if Nate and Brandon didn't have the referee mistakes interfere with the outcome. But that's how it goes.
The next UFC event is the season finals for the Ultimate fighter. That takes place Saturday, June 21st. We'll know the finalized fight card after Wednesday, the 18th, when we find out who the two finalists are. Should be good stuff.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Getting Caught Up...
Monday, June 9, 2008
So far... (w/new perspective)
Got the kids up, fed them breakfast.
Made Duncan's lunch: peanut butter and jelly on a hamburger bun (we're out of bread), Kool Aid Jammer, and a go-gurt.
Helped Duncan get ready for school, walked to the bus stop and back.
Fed Tegan her breakfast.
Started Laundry. Forgot the take the travel size tissue pack out of my sunday pants pocket, so now there's wet tissue all over that load going into the drier. The lint screen fill be full after that load for sure! Also didn't know there were about 20 pennies in one of the kids' pockets as well. That was one abused load of laundry.
Folding and putting away laundry.
Sat down to blog about the weekend...
...Thought I heard one of the kids go into the bathroom and turn the faucet on. Jennan is pretty good about washing her hands throughout the day, Liam will too now and then. The water for that faucet always sounds like it's coming out very fast, so nothing unusual there. But then somehow my brain starts to figure out that I hear the sound of water hitting the floor, that I didn't hear the door open or close, and I get up to investigate.
I open the door, and there's a geyser shooting up from where the cold water handle used to be! We're talking full blown geyser; water hitting the ceiling and all walls in our guest bathroom (sink and toilet). My first instinct was to put my palm over the gushing water to keep it from spewing out, but just as quickly, know that that never works. So I quickly get to the shut off valves under the sink and cut off the water. Water continues to rain down on me from the ceiling as I look at the half inch or so of water now on the floor, and realize our laminate flooring in the hall will be in jeopardy if I don't get this water up soon. I go to the hall closet and grab our two beach blanket towels, two other beach towels, and a bath towel. All but the bath towel go on the floor immediately, and I use the bath towel to start wiping walls and the ceiling, the medicine cabinet and other small cabinet in there. My outhouse picture on the wall had water in it, and so on. I get everything wiped off, get the towels outside, and finally look to see what the heck happened to the handle? It looks like it just snapped. Just broke. No one was in there using it when it happened, so it didn't get tweaked some weird way. The only thing I can think of is if there are two metals there that don't work well together, making one brittle. Other than that, I really don't know.
And it's barely noon!
I already had a bunch of stuff to try and do today. I'll be adding: replace bathroom faucet to the list now. Gee, thanks bathroom.
Guess what I did though... I grabbed the camera really quick after putting the towels down. So here's what it looked like...
The ceiling.
The outhouse picture was a goner.
The busted faucet.
Hopefully I'll get another chance to sit down and tell you about our weekend. It was fun.
New perspective...
Anna came home and we talked about how crazy it was that the faucet just broke on it's own. Then Anna said, "It's a good thing it didn't happen yesterday." Then it occurred to me how lucky we really were. We were gone from home for most of the day. If it had happened at the same time, just a day earlier, we would have found it after a couple hours! That would have been bad. But had it happened soon after we left home for the rest of the day (more on that in a future post), it could have been disastrous! Hour upon hour of fast flowing water pouring through the whole house. That would have ruined a lot of things.
After thinking of all that could have happened and didn't, we are feeling lucky indeed.
Friday, June 6, 2008
Not making it to the Rendezvous...
(the links are from the BSA Imperial Council in San Diego)
Black powder rifle shooting
bow and arrow shooting
tomahawk throw
knife throw
flint and steel
caber toss
rock throw (cannon ball throw)
and others.
That was enough to get the boys interested. Those who attend are encouraged to dress in period clothing (1810-1840), though it's not mandatory.
Also there would be a "trading blanket". The original MMRs were all about trading, their "currency" was what they brought to the rendezvous. Mountain Men (trappers) brought their pelts to trade for their other essentials. At the scout MMR, the boys are encouraged to bring hand made (or not) items to trade for what ever is on the blanket. There were beads and feathers for necklaces, Indian chokers, knives, etc. There were also cans of soda, candy bars, and other snacks. That was the only place to get those items if you didn't bring your own. If you didn't bring items to trade, money was acceptable too.
I helped the young men put together some leather pouches to trade as one of our mutual activities preceding the MMR. Neither young man remembered to bring his pouch.
The 2 boys (out of the 4 that said they were going), had a great time. So did I and the other leader. I also got to do many of the activities the boys did. The other leader was just happy to be out doors, and took a long nap that Saturday afternoon.
This year, the MMR got moved to June 6th & 7th. We put it on the calendar. I had a couple more boys that turned 14 since the last one, but I also had one move, and a couple go less active and decide that they were too cool for church and scouts. On top of that, our scoutmaster was recently put into the bishopric (with no replacement), and the young men's president has had personal family issues that have taken him away from his calling the past month. The former scoutmaster assured me that he'd be able to go to the MMR as the second leader (he went last year too). But about 2 weeks ago he said he'd be gone for work. We're in a struggling ward, so available male leadership is spread pretty thin. Couple that with the few boys that can go, not fully committing to go. "I think so." and "maybe" were the most common replies. Then all of a sudden, with a week before the MMR, 2 of the boys are wondering why we're not planning anything for the MMR? I mentioned their responses to whether or not they were going, and I wasn't going to plan a trip and have no one show up (it's happened before). I gave them 48 hours to recruit one more boy. If they could do that, then I would find another adult. They waited till the last minute and were told maybe by one boy. He would tell them for sure on tuesday and mutual. He didn't show up.
I'm not completely blameless. I've been looking forward to the MMR all year, but with the changes and turmoil in the YM presidency, it's all kind of fallen on me to keep the program going. That includes scout camp that takes place starting the 28th of this month for 7 days. My mind has been overwhelmed with all of it. The scouting doesn't come to me naturally, I didn't do much scouting as a youth myself, and then to have to be a scout leader has not been easy. Because of all of that, the MMR trip needed to come together naturally, and it just didn't. So no Mountain Man Rendezvous for me this year.
There will be another chance for our Varsity scouts to do some of those activities in November. It's called the "Turkey Shoot". Probably because it happens in November, there's no turkey's shot. It's actually a service project to maintain the council's scout camp in the off season, but they get out the bows and arrows, tomahawks, knives, black powder rifles, etc. for the scouts to have another opportunity to do those activities during the year. Our Team (troop) hasn't gone to this in the past, but I think we'll have to this year.
I already had it as a goal for this year, but all of this has reinforced that goal, that I need to be a "trained" scout leader. I'm hoping that receiving such training will help me create a program that runs more naturally and fosters leadership in the young men in our ward. Next Saturday, the 14th, I'll be at training all day, and hopefully the following weekend as well. I think I'll need all I can get before scout camp rolls around.
Wow, this turned into a rather lengthy entry for not having any pictures. Sorry about that.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
That's Hot... (update)

Wednesday, June 4, 2008
UFC 85 picks...

Another fight I'm looking forward to a lot is the return of Brondon Vera after his loss to Tim Silvia. In that fight, Brandon busted his hand early on, and that distracted him enough that he couldn't do anything else but survive. He lost by decision. He's healed up and ready to get back to his winning ways, and moving up the heavyweight division ladder. He'll have to beat Fabricio Werdum to get there though. Fabricio is not as well known, but he does have a current win over the popular Gabriel Gonzaga. Fabricio and Brandon have very similar styles and skills. It will be interesting to see who will put this fight away first. I'm a big fan of Brandon, so I'm pulling for him in this fight.
Here are some of my other picks-
Because of all the fights as a whole, this has all the makings of one of the best PPVs this year. We'll see if that's what happens.
Monday, June 2, 2008
It happened twice!... (w/update)

Saturday night, Jason and Kristi were over and spending the night before they headed home to Bullhead City, Arizona. They are MMA fans too, so we started watching from the beginning. The event had already started, but because of the TiVo, we can start watching from the beginning. There were some pretty good fights. Gina Carano's fight was really good. That was my first time seeing her fight MMA. I've seen her fight Muy Thai before, and if you search "muy thai" in Google image, the second image is of Gina as "Crush" from American Gladiators.

Gina Carano
Another fight I was interested in was Scott Smith challenging for the middleweight belt against the champ Robbie Lawler. Both of these guys have previously fought in the UFC. It was an ok fight. Neither guy looked that great. It ended with a poke in the eye of Scott Smith. He said he couldn't see out of that eye, but wanted to keep fighting. The ringside doctor stopped the fight. Turns out, telling the Doc. you can't see is a bad idea if you want to keep fighting. Oops. After that fight, was the main event featuring Kevin "Kimbo Slice" Ferguson, a street fighter turned pro MMA fighter. I was looking forward to seeing him fight, just to see how long his opponent would last.

Kevin "Kimbo Slice" Ferguson
But guess what happened?... the show was scheduled for 2 hours, so the TiVo records for that 2 hours, but the show is running late and the last fight didn't record! GGGGGRRRRR!!! You can set your TiVo to record past the end time, but why would I think to do that? It was on a national network channel! Don't they keep a tight show schedule? Man, I was so ticked. I haven't done so yet, but I'll have to try and find it on youtube so I can see it. Poopy.
Well, at least I'll have the WEC fights to make it all better Sunday night!...

There's no point in trying to watch fights when the kids are awake. Not so much because they'll see it (they don't really care if it's not one of their shows), but because they'll make too much noise, and need too much help with whatever, that I can't just sit and enjoy the fights. So it's usually best to wait till they're in bed. The two fights I was looking forward to the most were the two Championship fights. One for the Bantamweights (135 lbs.), and the other at Featherweight (145 lbs.). There was a pretty good Light heavyweight (205 lbs.) fight that saw a 6' 6" guy get knocked out during some ground and pound by a shorter guy. The bantamweight championship fight was really good. Both fighters had great stand up, and the majority of the fight was on the feet. There were times when the fight went to the ground, and the Champ, Miguel Torres, like an "octopus in quicksand" (his words), on the ground, so his opponent didn't want to be there long. The fight ended after the 3rd round due to the challengers right eye swelling shut. It was decided that he couldn't continue. I agree. He wasn't going to win that fight anyway, and it's better to stop while one eye can still see.

That meant the next fight was the Featherweight Championship featuring the Champ, Urijah Faber vs. MMA veteran Jens Pulver.
But guess what?... It cuts off!!! Just after Jens enters the cage, and before Urijah makes his way to the cage, it stops. NO WAY!! Not Again! I can't even begin to tell you how bummed I was. Luckily, Versus channel was re airing the fights immediately afterward, so I set the TiVo to record those fights too, and set the stop at 30 minutes after the fights were scheduled to end. A championship fight is five, 5 minute rounds, with 60 seconds between rounds, so hopefully, if it went the distance, it still records it all.
I hope that happens less from now on.
**fight spoilers in this update**
I went to watch the second WEC recording I set to record, and it too was cut off at the end! The first show going over made the second show run even longer over it's sheduled time!
Luckily for me, there are people that put stuff on youtube really fast. I was able to find the Kimbo Slice fight. Looks like if you can survive the first round with Kimbo, you might have a chance if you protect your chin. Kimbo had his first taste of the receiving end of some ground and pound, and it wore him out pretty quickly. Luckily for Kimbo, the ref stopped the fight either due to a cut on his opponents ear or the ref thought his opponent was not defending himself. My only thing about that is, that was the third time the fighter was taking that kind of damage, and he was able to continue fighting the other times, why stop it this time? There was also a time in the fight that Kimbo was pinned down in the second round, and he was not able to defend himself, and took dozens of blows, and the ref allowed it to continue. It felt a whole lot like EliteXC wanted to make sure their money maker won that fight. whether that's true or not, that's what it felt like to me.
The WEC fights were up on youtube as well. It took a little longer to find, but I found it. One of the things about a list of videos you're scanning, is you see more than you want. I was looking for the fight, but also saw that there were 5 rounds of fight listed. That meant that I knew before watching the first round, the fight has at least 5 rounds. It makes it a little less exciting. The 5th round was the most exciting because even though it's the last round, you have no idea if it goes the distance or finished by one of the fighters. It did go the distance, and Urijah was able to do more damage in each round, so he won by unanimous decision. It was actually a pretty action packed fight all though out. Good stuff.