Monday, August 2, 2010

Piano Men

Well, long time no see.

Let's get right back into it...

Duncan and Liam had a piano recital Sunday evening. They did a great job. There were 4 other kids that also participated. They did a great job too.

Here's Liam playing one of his selections. Liam has been going strong on piano since he started in April. He really likes it.

Here's Duncan while he played by himself. He played a total of three pieces. The other two were duets with his teacher. He did a great job.

It was a small recital and gathering. Mostly parents and families. It was good for them to play in front of other people. A big thank you to grandparents on both sides, for coming all the way out here for Duncan and Liam. They (and the girls) were very happy to see you.


Kristi said...

That is SO cool. I hope they like their teachers, that makes a difference. I cant wait to have a piano in my house for everyone to play.

Unknown said...

It was an awesome recital....the boys were great!!