Liam got a Pokeball cake for his birthday. Baked by mom, and decorated by dad.
Let's open some presents!
Liam chose to go to Red Robin for his birthday dinner. Guess we forgot the camera, or forgot to use it. I also forgot to take a picture last Wed. of Duncan and Liam both with their cub scout uniforms on for Liam's first time going to his den meeting.
Then yesterday, Sunday, May 1st, Liam got baptised! Here he is in his new suit just before we left to go to the church.

Dad and Liam on this special day.
Dad and Liam on this special day.
Dad and Liam all dressed in white and ready for the program and baptism.
Afterward, we had some dinner at the church building. The kids got to draw on the paper at the kids' table.
More of the people that came to the baptism and stayed to eat.
Liam got a few gifts at the baptism. One of them was a "money ball"! Here's Liam under the pile of steamer paper left after unwinding it all to get the money.
A big thank you to all that came and helped with the baptismal program, the food, and the well-wishes. We are so thankful for you all! (We're also thankful for those that wanted to be here but weren't able to come.)