We decided to eat breakfast at the hotel Saturday morning. It had plenty of variety, and it was kind of like eating on a cruise, in that you could just walk right up and get what ever you wanted and pretty much how much you wanted, and go back for more. We got our fill on.
Then we went to VooDoo Doughnuts for the last time. We got probably 5 or 6 doughnuts, and I bought a hat. We ate a couple right then, and saved the rest for eating throughout the day.
Or morning activity was to find the "Saturday Market". It's a street market similar to a farmer's market, except the vendors are all artists and crafters, selling their work. The lady in blue said it was a very "Portland" thing, and we shouldn't miss it. I looked it up online the night before and got an address, but the address didn't lead us to anything that looked like a street market. We knew it was in the China Town area, so we kept driving around. Finally, there is was. A large sea of white ez-up booths all together.
We looked around the isles and at the booths for quite a while. Lots of cool stuff. Anna found a knit hat she liked (she'd been wearing the one I bought for me on Thursday). I also found a faux coon-skin hat that fit my huge dome that I'll happily wear at the next scout Mountain Man Rendezvous. Oh yeah, I should say that we bought those at the neighboring market that had more commercially made items.
As you can see, or rather not see, is there are no pictures from these activities. Don't really know why, but we just didn't take any.
After the Saturday Market we headed out to find our lunch spot for the day- Stanich's. I had seen that name on a search for Portland's best burger, but due to some of the reviews I saw, didn't think we'd make it a priority. The lady in blue said it was pretty good, so we put it on our list for today. The place was pretty blah, as far as decor. The whole place was wall to wall old pennants from colleges and other schools. It must be a big college sports watching location. Anyway, the drink only came with one refill, and the only diet drink was Diet Rite, blech. The burger it self wasn't too bad. Maybe if we hadn't already had the awesome burgers from the days before, we would have liked it better. They weren't bad, but not great either. We were still quite full from the morning, this kept us at full.
After that, we headed out to find the Portland Temple... look, pictures...
We wanted a picture of us with the temple, so I used the self timer on the camera. This is the forth attempt. I used the 10 second mode, but where Anna was standing (on the other side of a reflection pool), I had to quickly sprint (as reverently as possible) over to where she was. It looks like she's pushing me away, but she's getting her arm ready to go around me. I still like it though.
There was a really pretty red and orange leaved tree by the temple, so here is my attempt at an artsy photo. Meh... not too bad.
Anna thought to pick up some of the small leaves to take home to the kids. Unfortunately, they were crushed in her jacket later that day.
We also stopped in at a shopping center to walk off some of our breakfast, doughnuts, and lunch, but we didn't have much time. We needed to start making our way back to the airport.
Along the way, a little sign on the side of the road mentioned a food cart lot, and that reminded me that I wanted to find a specific food cart that had the best ice cream in Portland. We were short on time, but decided to try and find it. We had a small error in the first address we punched, and that took some time to figure out. But eventually we were back on track, and found it...
We made our way to the airport. We had to return our car, which was pretty quick and painless. We needed to get our flight passes. That went pretty quickly at the automated stand. We got to our gate, and had time to sit and chill for a while before getting on the plane.
Here's the shot from the window in our row. We had even saved a couple doughnuts to have on the flight. They were still so good!
Here's the shot from the window in our row. We had even saved a couple doughnuts to have on the flight. They were still so good!
We had a blast! What a fun trip. We would love to take the kids up there sometime. We've driven to Idaho and Wyoming before, so why not the pacific north west the next time!
Could sure go for a Voo Doo Doughnut right about now...