Hey, look at me... I'm blogging!
Today's flash back photo comes from all the way back to April 28, 2010! Wait, what? That's not that long ago...
Duncan getting some awards he had earned, at the pack meeting in April.

Well, it turns out, that was the last day we took any pictures with the new camera I gave Anna six months previous, in October of 09. Why was it the last picture? Very soon after this picture was taken, the camera got washed in the laundry! We tried the "rice" method of drying out the camera, but it never worked again. We've been using our old camera ever since.
A few weeks ago, I found a deal online for a camera that was very close to the one we washed, and I bought it! It's a slightly nicer model that the one before. It's a Sony DSC-w330. what it enables us to do, is see those pictures that are on the memory card of the last camera. Luckily, the memory card was fine after it's washing. So, yeah. It's nice to have a nice camera once again.