Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Fair Trip

Time to get a little caught up on some bloggy items...

It was a little over a month ago, but we took a trip out to the L.A. county fair during the opening weekend.

We had a great time. It was pretty darn HOT the day we went, but it was hot most of the time anyway, so it was kind of unavoidable. We got there very close to the opening time, so we could beat some of the heat. We did, but we were in the heat a lot too. The kids did great dealing with the heat though. So, here are some pictures from that day...

We did the outdoor stuff first. We visited the animals and the kids did some "farming".

After the farming, they were led to the "store". I'm pretty sure the idea was to show how we get the food we eat. It's all so hectic, that the idea gets lost in the shuffle. But, the kids had fun with it, so that's good.

In one of the children's' buildings at the fair, the theme was medieval times or something. There was a photo-op area, and in that area was a chance to "climb" Rapunzel's hair. We told them to pretend like they were hanging on... but they just leaned back.

I had to take matters into my own hands, and demonstrate it for them. By then, the boys were not interested in doing it again. Plus there were a bunch of people waiting to take their turn.

Tegan did it just like daddy, but Jennan thought the boys' method was just fine.

There was also a dinosaur building. We walked through that and saw all the cool animatronic sets. Outside, there were a few dinosaurs as well. Liam tends to like the flying ones pretty well, so he wanted a picture with this one. Anna had the other kids go in the shot too.

There was a pirate section. It was outside, so we didn't go here till much later in the day when the temperature was dropping. We had spent the afternoon going through all the retail buildings (along with about 80% of the other fair goers that day). We didn't spend much time here, but it was kind of a cool area.

Before we left, the kids wanted to energize their feet. It only lasted a few minutes before they were back to complaining about all the walking, but we were on our way out, so the whining didn't last too long.

Like I said in the beginning, we did have a good time. Part of that is the kids being older and more interested in all that we're seeing and doing. They can walk a lot longer. They're easier to feed, etc. We look forward to next year's fair.


Kristi said...

Way to go Tegan with the posing! Seems like way more fun kid stuff is at the fair these days. Thats cool! Every year I think about trying to go, maybe next year.

Unknown said...

It was great to see you guys that day! It really was HOT that day!! I will try to remember to enter stuff next year.